2 Sep, 2022 | Website Design Company

Web Designing & Development: It’s Not Only About Selling Services & Products

Web Designing & Development: It’s Not Only About Selling Services & Products
The concept of website development has evolved. Earlier, the majority of people believed that the website is for businesses only. The wave of dotcom in the late 90s shook everyone, and many of them were driven by it. From then to now, websites have travelled a long journey. It all started with plain HTML pages with the addition of a few images, which is not at all appealing to today’s viewers. The flash-based sites added a pinch of creativity, but it was more like the clip art thing for now. For sure, there were limited resources, technical geeks, as well as demand in the market, so be it. Now, with time being the idea of website design & development created a different segment in business and built a legacy as an IT industry. We, the current generation of users, are understanding the power of the web & leveraging it to every possible extent.  These days people are using websites to not only do business (selling products & services) but also for personal branding, creating an identity, sharing knowledge, and even to share one’s opinion (blogs). We have everything available on the web, and when you read or listen about anything you never know, you don’t take a second in checking it on the internet.  Well, that’s the power of technology & its ease of access to resources that can have everything available to you in just a single click. 

How does Website Designing & Development work? 

The ideation initiates the process of website development. Then there is a planning phase to shape it in a digital format. There is no particular decided pattern for website development. You can discuss your idea with your team or friends or relatives, depending on the end goal of the website. Further, you can buy your domain name and select the platform on which you like to design your website If you like to create your website on your own, online website builders or open-source CMS can be the best options for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for professional services, you will likely outsource this work to the website design & development company in your vicinity.  For custom web development, once you align with the company for your project, you can request the design layout from UI/UX designers. This layout is like the blueprint of your website; you can get it modified as per your inputs and give a green signal for website development.  The developers may code your site from scratch or start customising the readily available themes, as per your preference and budget. After this stage, your website will go in the phase of QA & testing. Once all the bugs are resolved, your website will be ready to launch. 

Why Modern Website Development Makes Your Business Stand Out? 

Nowadays, website development is solely user-based. The search engine algorithms are continually evolving based on the user’s search experiences & browsing pattern. The custom-based UI of websites happens to be more conversion-oriented than that of generalised theme based websites. Several analytical software and tools are available in the market that can give you more insights about the user behaviour on your website. By taking the assistance of web developers and marketing experts, you can tweak your web page design and add value-adding CTAs & content to it. 

Do You Know Web Page Design Speaks For Itself?

Yes, that’s true.Website designing & development is state of the art. Though on the first look it seems like creating a digital brochure to promote services & products, it is much more than that.  Your website can reveal its identity based on the look you like to offer. You can promote an individual entity, talk about your recognitions and showcase your portfolio or add your services to it. The theme that you will select for your website will give an understanding of your end goal.  Don’t neglect the small details about each of the web pages like white space, location of CTAs, the relevancy of graphics, colours & typography, navigation, social proofs, security, and so on. Further, you can add supporting graphics, media elements, textual content, and everything that can give the understanding about your site.  Whether you are a business or brand or an individual who is thinking to get a website developed as a part of your portfolio, you can write to us at sales@www.wedowebapps.co.uk for professional assistance for the same. You will not be launching your business now and then. Read more about website designer

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are your biggest challenges when it comes to web designing and development?

One of the biggest challenges of web designing and development is juggling technology, design, and user experience. This can present challenges such as making sure that the website looks great while using the best technical solutions available that will keep the website running well and delivering good performance. Additionally, designing a site with a great user experience can be difficult due to design constraints and a need to balance the user's expectations and the development team's skillset. This can lead to a lot of creative solutions and compromises to get the desired results.

2. What do you find most satisfying about working with web design and development?

I find the process of seeing an idea come to life most satisfying about working with web design and development. There's something really satisfying about taking a concept from a few lines of code and turning it into a full-fledged website or web application. Seeing the final product and being able to showcase it to others is always really rewarding and helps make all the hard work worthwhile. Every project is an opportunity to learn new things, experiment with ideas, and create something that can benefit people in some way.

3. How has web designing and development helped you to better reach your customers/clients?

Web designing and development have made it easier to reach new customers and better engage with existing ones. Having a strong online presence can help increase brand awareness and visibility, which can draw in more prospects. Web design allows us to craft a unique and attractive user interface with modern layouts and dynamic content that go beyond basic text and images to give customers an interactive experience. Because of the ability to quickly update content, websites become easier to maintain and can be more targeted to specific audiences, allowing businesses to better tailor messages to their ideal leads. In addition, web development enables companies to build complex customer relationship management systems, analytics programs, and more, offering a more efficient way to track customer interactions. All of these tools can help customers better understand the products and services being offered, as well as foster relationships that allow businesses to gain valuable feedback from their customers.

4. In what ways would you like to see web design and development evolve?

I think one way web design and development can evolve is by finding ways to make websites load faster and be more accessible. The faster a website loads and the more accessible it is, the better user experience it offers. This can be achieved by utilizing technologies such as caching and reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded by users. Additionally, creating capabilities that improve search engine optimization (SEO) will help your website be found more easily in searches. Another way web design and development could evolve is by adapting its design language to suit different types of user platforms and devices. Responsive design should be a cornerstone of modern web design to ensure that a website looks and works great no matter what device the user is on.

5. What new technologies do you think could benefit web design and development?

In recent years, artificial intelligence has been making its way into web design and development. AI can be used to complete tasks like managing code repositories, providing advice on how to optimize code, as well as automating repetitive coding tasks. Additionally, PWA (Progressive Web Applications) can also offer immense benefits to web design and development teams. PWA’s are highly performant, ultra secure web applications that take advantage of native device features to provide a seamless user experience. Finally, chatbots are becoming increasingly popular to help improve customer service efficiency and provide a human touch to an otherwise robotic customer service experience.

6. What advice would you give someone just starting out with web designing and development?

Start small, and start local. Try connecting with local entrepreneurs and small business owners who are in need of a website to help promote and advertise their businesses. With each project you finish, even if it's small, you'll get invaluable experience, practice and feedback. As you progress, learn more about the different fields in web development from coding, to design and content creation, to marketing. Always keep up with the latest trends and technologies, because the web and software development world is constantly evolving, and you'll need to evolve with it. Finally, take time to network and build relationships and mentors with fellow professionals and entrepreneurs as you develop your skills.

Written by Matt

Matt is a Mobile app development specialist at WEDOWEBAPPS. His ability to look through things from the client’s perspective and his detailed vision makes him a successful developer. He has a passion for writing about the latest mobile technologies.