14 Dec, 2022 | Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development Myths You Need Not Pay Attention To

Mobile App Development Myths You Need Not Pay Attention To
According to Statista, there are around 6.37 billion smartphone users across the globe, and this number is rapidly increasing with time. This number is expected to grow up to 7.51 billion smartphone users by 2026. Isn't this a great number? It is, right? Seeing this mobile revolution, businesses are increasingly opting for mobile application development to thrive in this competitive era.  Mobile apps allow users to proactively stay connected with the company, and also, the customers can search for information about the products or services they require. However, building mobile applications is not an easy task; still, many people believe that the job of a mobile app developer is not the challenging one, and many people also think just the opposite.  In this era where smartphones have become the basic necessity for people, mobile app development has become a norm for all types of businesses, no matter big or small. With the booming trend and growing dependence on mobile applications, creating a mobile app has taken unmatched importance in the business cycle. However, one thing that is even more serious is - several myths are revolving around the mobile app development industry that is hindering the process with unwanted bad decisions.  If you have reached here, a few of the most common myths about mobile app development are discussed ahead in this article. Read further to know more. 

Mobile App Development Myths Hindering Your App Implementations.

Several misconceptions frequently revolve around the app development industry adversely affecting your development process. Let's discuss a few of the most common myths that almost every individual faces. 

1. Mobile App Development is Cheap 

One of the most common and heard out misconceptions is that developing a mobile application is not at all expensive. But that's obviously not true. Even though it is absolutely true that creating a simpler mobile app with minimal features is easier but that nowhere means that it is cheaper too.  A lot of time and effort is required in the development of a mobile application; the budget of development depends on the features and structure of the app. The more complex the application structure is, the more features you need to incorporate, and you need to pay for them as per the requirements. So, developing an application is not always inexpensive. 

2. Development is all About Programming 

When you think of a mobile application, the very first thing that comes to your mind is - One needs to write a lot of code to develop a mobile application. However, it is much more than that. Of course, coding is the basic and the most obvious need in creating an Android or iOS application, but many other factors go hand in hand. These factors include high graphics, user experience, years of experience, and efficiency.  There are many other things that the developer needs to consider, like the latest mobile app marketing trends, technologies, updated techniques, hardware advancements and many more. Going mobile does not mean just developing an application; it needs a dedicated strategy and so many efforts to provide your client with a top-notch IT solution. 

3. A Unique Idea is all that Matters

Undoubtedly a unique mobile app idea can make you stand out from the crowd, but is it all that matters? If you think that a great app idea on its own can make your app successful is an overconfident statement. Every successful app idea aims to solve the users' pain points, and if your application cannot resolve the problem of the users, then it is of no relevance.  Now, think about transferring your great idea into a complex app and that too with a poor user experience. This is often the case with many of the applications in the market. Therefore, with a unique application idea, proper execution matters a lot. No matter if your application is unique and relevant for solving problems, it will first be tested by the user experience. Therefore, it is not just an idea that matters; you also need to develop an application that provides the best user experience. 

4. No Need to Market the Application

If you are an entrepreneur, building an attractive and interactive mobile application doesn't mean your task is done. Technically you may have an alluring application, but it is useless if nobody knows about it. With your mobile app development, combine the latest marketing techniques to make people aware of your application. Without applying the marketing techniques, nobody will know about your business, and your application will be of no use. Therefore, marketing your business application is essential if you want to succeed in the industry. 

5. No Follow-Ups Required After App Development 

Building a mobile application is not an easy task. It requires a lot of hours of coding. In addition, smoothing the interface in order to provide the best user experience, adding advanced features, and there are several other complex processes involved in creating a mobile app. However, a developer's responsibility doesn't end when the mobile app is ready and running.  The primary headache starts when the app is ready to be launched on different platforms because it needs to be tested thoroughly for its bugs and user-friendliness. As we said earlier, the success of the application also depends on the marketing strategies that were opted in order to save it from getting lost in the application stores.  Also, the developers need to produce regular updates of the application to keep it responsive, trending, and well-functioning. Therefore, regular updates are crucial for the success of your business application. 

Cutting it Short

There are several misconceptions revolving around the mobile app development industry. Therefore, it is really important to demythicize these misconceptions in order to help people understand the underlying reality and develop in the right direction. After discussing the above points, we can conclude by saying that we have covered the most popular myths about mobile app development that most people believe these days. However, if you really want to achieve success, you need to stop believing these myths and opt for the proven and verified processes for your business app development. We are a renowned mobile application development agency with highly skilled developers in different technologies. In case you are looking to develop a mobile app for your business, just approach the top-notch mobile app development agency with years of experience and expertise in serving organisations with the best IT solutions across the globe. Read more about the Pathway to Create Successful Mobile Applications

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are you aware of any common myths regarding mobile app development in the United Kingdom?

One common myth around mobile app development in the United Kingdom is that it is too expensive. However, if you have a clear vision, a well-defined scope of work, and you take the time to research and develop a comprehensive plan, you can create an app that fits within your budget. This is often done by creating a streamlined development process, defining a clear budget and timeline, and leveraging the latest technologies. Additionally, using experienced development companies who are familiar with the local markets can often be beneficial. Finally, many development companies are willing to offer free consultations, which allows you to accurately assess the cost and timeline to develop a successful mobile app.

2. How can companies avoid costly mistakes by separating development fact from fiction?

It is important for companies to have an understanding of the latest developments and trends when it comes to the technology industries. The first step is to set expectations and goals regarding development, as this will give clarity on how to research and evaluate the facts. Companies should speak to industry experts to gain an understanding of what is real and what is fiction, as well as to identify areas of interest and potential challenges. Companies should also be aware of any changes in the industry that may impact their project. Finally, it is important to conduct regular reviews of projects in order to identify and address any potential issues. With the right preparation and research, costly mistakes can be avoided and development projects done right.

3. What tips would you offer to businesses looking to develop a successful mobile app?

For businesses in the United Kingdom looking to launch a successful mobile app, there are a few essential tips to bear in mind. Firstly, make sure that your app is fully compatible with the majority of devices and operating systems, as you don't want alienate potential users from the start. Secondly, keep the user experience in mind when designing your app, by creating an easy to use, intuitive interface. Utilise the help of mobile app development professionals if need be, or take the time to hone your design and coding abilities. Finally, remember to pay attention to app store optimization (ASO). App stores are crowded places, so make sure your app is discoverable by utilising ASO best practices.

4. What misconceptions about mobile app development have you encountered in the past?

I’ve encountered a few misunderstandings about mobile app development in the UK. One of the most common is that apps are always expensive to develop. While top-tier apps built with the latest technologies can be expensive, there are plenty of cost-effective app solutions available to UK businesses of all sizes. Another misunderstanding is the belief that all app developers are the same. Different app development companies vary in their expertise, experience, and overall quality of service so it’s important to research and compare different companies before making a decision. Finally, many people think that app development is a ‘one and done’ process. The reality is that there’s ongoing maintenance that must occur to maintain the app’s performance as Apple and Google continually make changes to their operating systems. It’s therefore important to factor in the cost of maintenance when creating an app budget.

5. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to developing a mobile app?

The biggest challenge when it comes to developing a mobile app in the UK is getting the appropriate app framework in place. For success, the app must have an intuitive and reliable user experience, have quick loading times and be easy to use. This requires a lot of thought, design and planning. Additionally, there is the challenge of getting it into the app stores, which can be quite complex, as well as the need to ensure it is kept up to date and compliant with changes in technology. Lastly, the maintenance and development of the app must be ongoing in order to ensure it remains competitive.

6. How have changes in technology impacted the development and success of mobile apps?

The introduction of mobile technology has transformed the way we work, shop, and interact with others. As a result, mobile app development has become a rapidly growing industry in the United Kingdom, as businesses and individuals explore the potential of mobile apps and utilize them to reach new customers and drive business growth. Mobile apps provide access to a global market and enable businesses to automate processes, streamline communication, and provide access to real-time customer feedback. Furthermore, mobile apps help to reduce manual labour, and create new opportunities for customer engagement, personalisation, and more. As we move towards a fully digital economy, the future of mobile app development in the UK looks promising.

Written by Matt

Matt is a Mobile app development specialist at WEDOWEBAPPS. His ability to look through things from the client’s perspective and his detailed vision makes him a successful developer. He has a passion for writing about the latest mobile technologies.