6 Jan, 2023 | web development agency

What are the best marketing strategies for web developers?

What are the best marketing strategies for web developers?

We all dream of sitting at our home with a cup of hot coffee and tons of emails from web development services or agencies asking if you are available for projects. 

But that’s a rare possibility. Even rare if you are not marketing yourself.  Think about it.  You know all about development, like coding, debugging, testing, deployment, and whatnot. You are a full-stack developer. But if you don't know how to market your skills, and if you can't showcase your calibre to the world, your skills will be all for nothing. You will stay in the 9-5 job loop for all time.  Instead, if you have a strong marketing strategy that will help you attract your dream client and build your brand, will you still choose to stay in your job? No!!! Right?  So here is the guide to tell you what a strong marketing strategy is. But before that. Let's understand the need for one.

Why Do You Need To Have A Website Marketing Strategy?

To drive relevant traffic to a website, a company uses website marketing. The goal is usually to attract visitors interested in a company's products or services. Therefore, your value proposition will be in front of more potential customers if more traffic comes to your site. In most website marketing strategies, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media engagement, and other digital and offline strategies are used to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). Typically, pages that rank first on SERPs receive more than half of all traffic for their keyword targets. All these factors prove that having a web marketing strategy in place is necessary. 

7 Most Effective Strategies To Promote Yourself As A Web Developer

Marketing yourself well eliminates the need for job hunting. In addition, sharing your goals, skills, experiences, and knowledge about your field establishes you as an expert. You can market yourself and your skills effectively by following these steps, ranked in order of practicality and importance.

#1. Build Your Portfolio And Showcase Your Work

A logo: Your logo should represent who you are, what you value, and the services you offer, not just a decorative symbol. An identifiable domain name: Whenever possible, use your domain name to build your brand. If it is not possible, use your company name.  Your previous work: You can use this portfolio to showcase your past successful projects for potential clients to evaluate your credibility.   Call-to-Action: Including a call-to-action helps you convince prospective customers to do business with you.  

#.2 Networking: Be Sociable

Offering Free Webinars: Rather than promoting your services, you should use these webinars to share valuable information with those outside your local area.      Attending Local Networking Events: Local events are also great places to meet people since they are usually sponsored by local organisations or the local chamber of commerce. Attend Workshops Or Seminars: Workshops and seminars are another excellent way to meet potential clients. Instead of promoting your services, show off your expertise and capacity to deliver quality work at these seminars. Participate In Forum Discussions: Having a solid standing opinion on several forum threads can generate buzz. Moreover, if the threads are in search results, it will give you long-term exposure.

#3. Perform A Website Design Review

Site Structure: With a good site structure, users and search engines can find the information they need. Your user can access any page on your site in three clicks or less from the homepage. User-Friendly And Functional: Use SEO-friendly web design principles to estimate the Remove any design rudiments that complexity or aren't necessary. Information About Your Company And Products: Your website must provide users with complete information about your company and products. Thus, visual elements are crucial for grabbing users' attention.

#4. Optimise Your Website For SEO And Social Media

This is where most web developers make a mistake. The key here is to target the right audience. In your case, your audience would be a small business, web development service, and solo entrepreneurs looking for a web developer.  Suppose you target keywords that bring in other developers or average readers. It will be useless since they are not looking to hire you.  Here are a few things to keep in mind.  Technical SEO: Ensure your site does not contain crawl errors and other issues that may prevent search engines from properly indexing it. On-Page And Off-Page SEO: Your website must be SEO-friendly, and your content should be accessible for hunt machine dawdlers to read. Promote your website to get high- quality links from other websites. Local SEO: Local SEO helps attract clients searching for local businesses by optimising your website for location-aware searches. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram: Promote your services on Facebook by joining groups and creating your own. Engage with other business/web design tweets on Twitter. Share your tips on LinkedIn and create short Instagram stories.

#5. Use Paid Ads To Reach Customers

Google Ads: You can also target people grounded on their Google hunt terms or Display your advertisements on websites that share in Google AdSense or other Google parcels( YouTube, Gmail). Facebook Ads: You can target users with your page, social media posts, or ads via Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook messenger. It is very effective to advertise both ways, but you should be careful to spend only a little on advertising without any returns. Rather than starting with a large budget, start with a small one and increase the budget once your campaigns prove effective.

#6. Keep Your Website And Content Up-To-Date And Move Forward

There are two things you should not forget when marketing your website: The first thing you should do is keep your website up-to-date. To ensure your website is secure and uses the latest technologies, you must update your website's software to the newest version. The second step is that your content should always be fresh and relevant. You should also audit your content, as you need to publish new content targeted at specific keywords and increase your organic reach. In time, some of your website's content will become outdated, which is terrible for your users and search engines.  As a first step, identify pages with thin content. Those pages do not rank, have no backlinks, or receive traffic. Although those pages may have good content, they don't provide any real value to your website since they do not rank for anything.  Boost your online presence with our website development services and check out the top strategies in our blog on The best marketing strategies for web developers. During the audit, you should either:
  • Publish them again after updating content
  • Cancel them and deflect their URLs to other affiliated runners on your point.
  • Combine them with different pages
Secondly, you must review Google Analytics and search console reports to see your website's most popular pages. Having a page with high rankings today does not guarantee that it will continue to have them in the future. Competitors are fierce, and you can expect new pages to be published every day targeting precisely the same topics. Keep your top pages up-to-date and relevant to ensure you won't lose your rankings by reviewing them every few months.

#7. Measure, Analyze, Rinse And Repeat

Monitoring is an essential part of any marketing strategy. The right tools and metrics are crucial in digital marketing because everything can be measured and analysed. In most cases, you can get the data you need from Google Analytics, so be sure your website is configured correctly and has Google Analytics installed. In a website marketing campaign, the most common goals are:
  • Increase your website's traffic
  • Increasing conversions (making sales, getting new email subscribers.)
  • Using Google Analytics, you should track and analyse these goals to make informed decisions.
You should focus your marketing efforts on creating content about specific topics if certain posts perform better than others.


There is no doubt that a website can be an effective marketing tool. However, ensure that your website has a simple hierarchy, is fast, and is mobile-friendly before launching a web marketing promotion campaign. Next, spend time on your SEO campaign to succeed online. You will rank for keywords that attract potential clients if you get your SEO right. This can be any web development services or businesses looking to hire a developer.  You should consider email marketing and remarketing strategies when traffic begins to pour in. These channels are better at converting traffic into customers than any others. Last but not least, keep applying at a web development agency with job openings. Chances are, with a solid portfolio, you will find your dream job. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Do I Advertise Myself As A Developer?

Here are 4 ways to market yourself as a developer

  • Create a portfolio of your work.
  • Create your brand.
  • Become a part of a niche professional network.
  • Organize your LinkedIn profile.

2. How Do You Introduce Yourself In A Web Design?

The following are a few things that you can do to give visitors context. Of course, you don't need to do all of these things, but they're easy and effective methods.

  • Make sure your headline is well-written.
  • You should include an introductory paragraph about yourself.
  • You can use your blog sidebar to display author information
  • Include links to your social media accounts in your footer

3. How Do I Showcase My Work As A Developer?

Your portfolio is a way to show everyone who you are, what skills you have, and, most importantly, what work you have done. For developers, a portfolio will take the form of a website. The purpose of this website is to present your work and yourself to the best of your ability.

4. What are the top things that make a successful developer?

Top things that make a successful developer are as follows: 

  1. Continuous learning. 
  2. Writing clean code. 
  3. Attention to minute details. 
  4. Knowledge of code debugging
  5. Discipline and problem-solving abilities.

5. What are the biggest challenges that developers face?

The biggest challenges developers face are marketing their skills and managing clients’ expectations. 

6. How can I attract more developers as a web development agency?

Some tips to attract more developers as a web development service are as follows:

  1. Know where developers hang out. It can be forums, and social media like LinkedIn. 
  2. Advertise it through paid advertising. 
  3. Ask for referrals. 

7. How can web developers optimize their website for search engine rankings and increase organic traffic?

To optimize a website for search engine rankings, web developers in the United Kingdom can implement various strategies. Firstly, ensure that the website has high-quality content that is relevant to the target audience and incorporates relevant keywords. Secondly, ensure that the website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed. Thirdly, focus on building high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites. Fourthly, use social media to promote the website and engage with the audience. Finally, regularly perform a technical SEO audit to ensure that the website is following best practices and is providing a seamless user experience.

8. What are some effective ways for web developers to partner with other businesses and organizations to generate referrals and leads?

One effective way for web developers to generate referrals and leads is by attending industry-specific events and conferences. This allows you to network with other professionals in the industry and potentially form partnerships with businesses or organizations that may need your services. Another option is to research and reach out to potential partners who may have a similar target audience or complementary services. Offer to collaborate on projects or refer clients to each other. Creating valuable content for your website can also attract potential partners and demonstrate your expertise in the industry. Additionally, offer incentives for referrals such as discounts on services or a commission for successful leads.

9. What are some key elements of an effective email marketing campaign for web developers?

When it comes to email marketing for web developers in the UK, there are several key elements to keep in mind. Firstly, ensure that your email is visually appealing and easy to read. Use a clean, professional design with clear and concise copy that highlights the benefits of your services. Secondly, make sure that you have a targeted and segmented email list, which ensures that your message is being sent to the right audience. Thirdly, ensure that your email is mobile-friendly, as a growing number of people are accessing emails on their smartphones. Fourthly, include a clear and compelling call to action in your email, encouraging recipients to take the desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or contacting you for more information. Finally, track and measure the results of your email campaign using analytics tools, and use this data to refine and improve your future campaigns.

10. What are some effective ways for web developers to build their brand and establish a strong online presence?

There are a number of effective ways for web developers in the UK to build their brand and establish a strong online presence. One would be to create a portfolio of their work showcasing their skills and capabilities. They can use platforms like Behance or Dribbble to showcase their portfolio. Another way is to publish their own blog and share their thoughts on the latest web design and development trends in the UK. By consistently producing quality content, they can increase their online visibility and build their brand. Using social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram can also help connect with other professionals in the industry and promote their work. Finally, attending industry events and participating in hackathons can provide opportunities to network and collaborate with other professionals, promoting their online presence and building new relationships.

11. What are some effective ways for web developers to network with other professionals and establish partnerships and collaborations?

Web developers in the UK can network with other professionals in their field by attending local events such as meetups, conferences, and hackathons. Networking can also be done online through social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, or GitHub. Joining online communities and forums can be another way to establish partnerships and collaborations with other professionals. Additionally, reaching out to potential partners or collaborators directly via email or through their websites can also be effective. Finally, collaborating on open-source projects can be a great way to build relationships with other web developers and establish long-term partnerships.

Written by Mike

Mike is a Graphic Designer at WEDOWEBAPPS. Having demonstrated experience in UI/UX graphic designs, his work is well appreciated by clients. He enjoys exploring different design trends and designing research for different projects.