16 Sep, 2022 | web page design

Make Your Web Page Design Stand Out With Colors That Speak On Own

Make Your Web Page Design Stand Out With Colors That Speak On Own
We are more drawn towards graphics and interactive media as it opens the gateway for imagination. The textual content is capable of doing the same, but it goes well for readers only. The websites are designed for a common audience and not for a specific set of users. Visual graphics are known to bring the attention of users without actually concentrating on it. When a visitor comes to your site, the design elements give an understanding of the idea behind it. If you succeed in creating curiosity in the mind of your visitors, they will surely explore more. And, the ones interested will likely become your customers; maybe today or sometime in the future. By making the web page design captivating with appropriate media elements, precise but catchy phrases, you can gain the attention of explorers. Your choice of colours can paint your website as per your drafted ideas. By following the same creativity in your visual graphics, it will be a lot easier for you to give voice to the layout of your website. Here, we will not be talking about the appropriate usage of the colour palette. Rather we will tell you how many different styling of colour variations you can implement on your website. Earlier, we had a fair discussion about the colour philosophy that graphics designers at web development firms follow. Please take it as the extension of points with a distinctive & practical approach this time. We will be taking different use cases of web page design where colours become storytellers & make the people hear their words.

When Vibrant & Neutrals Coexist

The combination of vibrant, solid colours with that of light shades has always been a trend. Now, this idea is modernized with the experimentation of vivid colours in isolated colour tones. The blend of two dark colours is often neutralized by any of the muted colours & to your surprise; people are supporting them. People are developing their affinity towards dark shades & lighter combinations even when extended to the more substantial part of the web page to gain user’s attention. heycusp.com source:heycusp.com

When Visuals Contrast With Typography

The design layout of a web page is the combination of textual and graphical content. By considering the theme of creation & appropriate usage of colours, you can create classic banner images and add that wow factor to your website. In such a case, you must care about the typography, and the colour of the text will be contrasting with the design elements. source:gruev.space

Recall colour blocking from Fashion Industry

The inspiration for the concept of colour blocking came from the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian & it has sustained in the fashion industry since the 1960s. However, the UI/UX designers may or may not go with the idea of using complementary colours, but they will find the fascinating implementation of bold & bright colours. You can drive the colour wheel & experiment with hue & saturation to change the background that is complementing the colour of graphics you are adding. It can be the opposite colours from the colour wheel or mix of saturated & muted colours. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood source:Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Expanded Color Pallette

The updated colour palette came up with attractive shades of all colours. This gave more options for designers to experiment & tweak the layout of the website. This doesn’t mean that you make the rainbow of your design, but you have more freedom to follow the shades of the colour scheme. Learn how to make your web page design stand out with impactful colors, and see how a mobile app development agency can bring these design principles to your app. source:brand.twitch.tv 

Walk with optimistic shades

The colour experts at Pantone Color Institute says that the latest trend talks about a variety of colour combinations. Certain colours have made their unique identity in the industry & they are used accordingly. It can be about variations of soft pastels, the domination of Millennial pink & its shades for beauty & fashion, Black & Blue colours go along with denim business, dark brown & its variations blend well for coffee & chocolate businesses. Web design company source:24hourace.gucci Web & graphic designers digitally play with the colours & colour scheme to shape your ideas in reality. You may or may not have the foresight about how things should look on the web, but connecting with professionals will reduce your burden about the same. If you like to connect with the website development firm to tweak the designs of your web page, you can write to us at sales@www.wedowebapps.co.uk. Read more about  Colour Philosophy To Improve Your Web Page Designing

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What colors are you currently using to design your web page?

The main colors we are currently using to design our web page are blue, green, yellow, and white. Each one provides a distinct look that helps evoke the professionalism and creativity of our business. Blue symbolizes trust and intelligence, green is associated with nature and renewal, yellow represents optimism, and white helps define clear contrasts for the other colours.

2. Do colors on your web page affect your customers' decisions when they visit your site?

Indeed, studies have shown us that colors and how they're used on webpages have a huge impact on how visitors interact with a website and their decisions when making purchases. In the United Kingdom, for example, blues, greens, and oranges are often associated with trustworthiness, while bright reds and purples can signify danger or discourage customers. Additionally, lighter shades can evoke emotions of serenity and invoke a sense of calm. Ultimately, the right implementation of colors on a site can have an immense effect on customer experience, and so it is pertinent to meticulously consider the hues used when designing a web page.

3. What colors or themes could you apply to your web page design that best speaks to your UK target audience?

In the UK, tastes vary across different regions, so it's important to keep the audience in mind. Generally speaking, muted colors, such as blues and greens, are popular among audiences in the UK. Additionally, the use of warm colors such as tan, beige, and coral can also be evocative of a UK feel. When it comes to themes, a more classic look with neutral tones often resonates well in the region. Additionally, incorporating elements from British culture, such as recognizable landmarks or images from iconic British movies and television series can often engage viewers in the region.

4. How could colors on your website improve how users interact with your brand?

Colors on a website can evoke strong emotions, so it's important to select the right colors that are relevant to the branding of your business. For example, blue can signify trust and dependability, while yellow or orange can denote energy, passion and creativity. Additionally, studies have shown that when used correctly, colors can increase brand recognition by up to 80%, so it's worth spending the time to ensure the use of colors supports the overarching brand experience and enhances how users interact with the website.

5. What creative ideas do you have for using colors to make your web page design stand out from your competitors?

Creative web page design for the UK can employ a range of colors to help them stand out from competitors. The key is to use colors that are unique yet accessible to UK viewers. Consider using bold colors, such as deep navy blue, dark emerald green and regal purple, as statement colors. Complement these with softer colors, such as pastel yellow, warm pink and ivory. Complimenting and contrasting colors can also be used to create stimulating and engaging designs. Consider using a range of textures and patterns to further bring engagement, such as a rough and textured background or bright abstract patterns.

Written by Milan

Milan is a co-founder of WEDOWEBAPPS. He has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally with the latest technologies. He also has a passion for sharing his expertise with clients and other enthusiasts. He usually writes based on Technology, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.