Home page:
Home page is the primary landing page of any site. The design layout of the web page must be simple, sober, yet classy. Since itâs impossible to talk about all of your offerings in detail, you need to be short, specific, and precise here.
About Us:
Like yours, there are so many businesses out there. When dealing online, there is a huge risk of confrontation with fraudsters, and this makes it critical for people to trust businesses online.
You can have a distinct service page, or it can be linked to the briefs you have mentioned on the home page. From the perspective of SEO, it is advisable to create distinct service pages for each of your offerings.
Product/shop page:
This page is mandatory only for ecommerce and product-based businesses. The shop page for ecommerce websites will have a lot of things to care about; we will talk about it in another separate blog. Talking specifically about product-based businesses only, you have to create short descriptions and briefs of features.
FAQ page:
To answer frequent queries from the clients, FAQ page can be helpful. FAQs bring assurance to your website visitors that you care about their concerns. By adding these questions, you will reduce the fraction and save more of your time of answering common concerns individually. This gives more clarity to your customers.
People donât believe what they read, but they believe in what they see. Testimonials are the voice of your clients, and they are replaced with term âreviewsâ for the products.
Contact page:
On your contact page, you can add a contact form as well as share your business details like name, the physical address (if any), email address and contact number.
The service business doesnât have new things coming up every now and then. With the help of your blog page, you can keep your visitors engaged with some form of informational as well as marketable content. Here, you can talk about your offerings and how different products are beneficial for your customers. Your entries like the ones in journals will be displayed in the chronological order. - Your blog page can be a great source of lead generation as marketers are leveraging the power of quality content to entice more customers to engage. And, you need not be technical all the time. Just be relevant to your field and talk about your opinion regarding updates and innovations coming by. You can keep your content interactive to let people connect more.
Press and media page:
You may be launching your new product or attended some meet-up recently. In this section, you can add all such information and add another option to trust your business. You can also share the employee recognition and some inter-company events that you have conducted or participated in. -
Privacy policy:
Every business online is known to collect the cookies of the visitors and use them to improve customer experience. If you are asking the customer for their personal information like name, email address, contact number, you have to clarify its usage in the privacy policy of your site. This is solely to maintain the transparency of your policies that you are adapting, and this keeps you safe against any trust breach issue if any customer puts any allegation on your business. -
Terms & Conditions:
You may call it T&C, Terms of Service or by any other name. To market your services or products online smoothly without any confusions, it is better to make your customers agree upon the terms you are putting for the usage of your offerings.
The sitemap is nothing but the index of your website. It is set to be mandatory page to help search engine bots crawl through your site and improve your ranking in the SERPs. HTML versions that are added to your site as a web page are to help your visitors with easy navigation. XML versions are known to be helpful for search bots.
404 error page:
404 error page or page-not-found page is also to be created. Yes, you read it right. You need to create the page thatâs already not found. Well, thatâs to show to your customers that what they are looking for is not available on your site.