26 Dec, 2023 | ecommerce development services

Total Cost of Building an Ecommerce Website in 2024 : Guide

Total Cost of Building an Ecommerce Website in 2024 : Guide

Introduction to Ecommerce Websites

In 2024, ecommerce websites have become integral to the global retail landscape. Understanding the full cost of building an ecommerce website is vital. This is important for anyone looking to venture into the ecommerce business. It is also important for those looking to upgrade their online store.

Total costs of an ecommerce website

Pricing on websites differs based on site layout, customization platform or other variables. You can calculate the cost of e-commerce websites here.

SaaS ecommerce platform hosting

Shopified does not require registration of domains for e-commerce. A subscription plan covers all your requirements. All Shopify plans include secure hosting. There is just one simple way to purchase and register domains separately. The Shopify domain generator allows users to search for available domain names. Users can build an e-commerce website quickly and easily. Prices range from $15 to $181 per year depending on what domain you choose.

Cost Analysis: Off-the-Shelf vs. Custom Built eCommerce Websites

Cost Analysis The cost of ecommerce websites is affected by whether you choose an out-of-the-box or custom-built solution. Both options offer unique advantages and differing drawbacks. These affect costs, scaleability, flexibility, and complexity. This is a more detailed evaluation.

Off-the-Shelf eCommerce Websites

Several of the most popular e-commerce sites offer quick, easy-to-use methods. For example, they use WooCommerce and Shopify. They feature a range of tools to support business management. This includes payments processing, shipping, and basic online searches.

Total Cost of Building an Ecommerce Website

Lets look at some different costs for an eCommerce site. As we've mentioned before, eCommerce offers flexibility with regards to spending. It's likely these changes impact your total cost. The cost of creating e-commerce websites can be determined using the following list. The Starter package costs $500 to $300. It includes Shared Hosting, Paid Design, and Fewer Paid plugins. WooCommerce Custom: $5000 - 10000. Managed WordPress hosting, customized eCommerce development, paid plugins and services.

Your time is a cost

In fact, time can save you a lot of money. You can save by building and maintaining an eCommerce website. It will have the best possible results. Shopify is a good online shopping solution. It improves the quality and functionality of products. You don't need separate software to integrate a product. You can create a customized shopping list. Instead, use the theme to customize each product. Dedicated online stores offer maintenance support. They also help maintain a stable and effective store. It takes around 100 hours to setup an eCommerce site. It is not possible to add product details individually.

Payment processing

Payment processors are companies that manage transactions. They ensure customers can buy your merchandise. Every e-commerce website has customers accept payment with their debit or credit cards. Payment processing fees vary a lot based on your Ecommerce platform plans. Shopify Basic plans have a 2.6% processing fee. They also have a 30 cent transaction processing charge per transaction. Advanced Shopify Plans are available for $2.94. When paying online the fees are lower as the risks of fraud are lower. Each purchase on Shopify includes Shopify Payments. This allows the sellers in your business to begin selling immediately.

Ecommerce Website Design Costs

The eCommerce market has grown extremely rapidly. New online shopping platforms pop up every day. They compete in your industry. Design plays a significant role in this. Having an effective and user-oriented website helps you stand out. How can you develop an effective website design that will make your store look better? Many online retailers recognize this issue. They have created their own websites with readymade templates. Retailers can easily change layouts with simple drag and drop tools.

Small to medium-sized businesses

At the lower end, some eCommerce SaaS offerings range from $20 to $20 monthly. They offer different plans based on sales volume and the functions you need. Lets look into the top ecommerce platforms in detail.

Custom development

It can be difficult to find someone to take over the look and feel of your retail space. From a complete design overhaul to personalized back end design. Custom ecommerce web developers create, operate, and maintain stores. They do this to meet a company's specific needs. Retail owners can work with designers to create custom storefronts. They can also tweak Shopify themes. Shopify allows users to customize their shopping experience to their exact needs. This makes us even more capable of improving the experience. This helps customers feel as good as they want. Prices are dependent upon the services needed.

Template vs. Custom Design

Pre-made templates tend to be cheapest way of designing. Most online shopping sites provide countless free or premium template packages. These packages help you personalize your site to meet your specific needs. You can have a design that suits your needs and has specific characteristics. Nevertheless, it can be a custom design. To custom design your website, you need to hire an online design agency. This will add significant expenses.

Software costs for your eCommerce website

The aforementioned website usually includes product pages. It also has a warehouse management page, a cart page, or a check out page. Building these capabilities takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore many eCommerce companies use SaaS solutions designed specifically for Ecommerce.

Business costs

Budgets are important to every decision we make about our business. It is easy for e-commerce sites to launch for less than $50. You're going to have to pay more than that. The average small business spending is around $40,000 for its initial year and 90% goes to online business. Shopify shoppers spend about $38k a year compared with other stores spending about $4k a month. The process of creating profit on a site is long. Choose an e-commerce service that doesn't require all your money. It should also provide resources to help you succeed. Identify your business goals for the upcoming years. Base them on your goals and your business goals.

Lower cost designs

Many SaaS websites have templates which are easy to install on the web. Our web site features pre-designed product pages and an intuitive layout. There are also free themes for popular software such as Amazon.com, or BigCommerce. A template may not be suitable for your business. Using a common template can make it difficult to distinguish yourself. Consider adding customisation for the exact product you've been requesting.

User Experience (UX) Design

Good UX Design is vital in online commerce. A few important factors, such as easy checkout, can impact your conversion rates. A focus on UX design can impact your overall design cost.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) costs for your eCommerce website

If someone doesn't see your website then your website won't be able to be accessed. I'm here for the reason you should develop e-commerce website for the SEO. It can actually make a website much more intuitive if you start from the most optimized site. Having SEO capabilities integrated into a website can help save you time. Many SEO firms charge monthly retention fees.

Build a successful ecommerce business today

Ecommerce websites are not cheap. If you buy an e-commerce website, you can easily pay a monthly rate of $39 to run your own website. It may increase your cost unless you add custom functionality. Shopify gives you options for what money you will be using to make money.

Payment processing software costs for eCommerce websites

Payment processing does not cost anything, but is something to plan for. Different platforms provide different processing solutions, each cost-free. Below are some popular online payment services offered by e-commerce websites:

How can you calculate the cost of an eCommerce website project?

Many websites provide cost-calculating software for online shop owners. However, a website can be expensive unless you understand your specific needs. It is also necessary if you want to use any platform to sell online. Please send me an online quote to get started.

The Effects of Incorporating Integrations and Add-Ons on eCommerce Website Pricing

Integration and add-on products add new functionalities to an eCommerce site. They improve user experiences and simplify operations. However it also affects total costs of eCommerce websites. How do you compare different integrations and add-on options with different prices?

Ongoing SEO & Marketing Costs

Search Engine Optimization is a constant endeavor. Regular web audit and keyword research is required. Additionally, you may have to use paid ads. You may also have to use email marketing and social media marketing to generate traffic. Please ask about e-commerce website designing and hosting for your ecommerce site. Some websites provide eCommerce SEO in their SEO packages. Others don't. Having SEO tools integrated is very helpful and can help reduce your cost later. Understand the total cost of building an ecommerce website in 2024 and optimize your investment with our website development services UK.

how much does an eCommerce website cost overall?

eCommerce website cost You can spend between $50 and $300 yearly on e-commerce websites. You may also have to pay extra for installation. We may go on to describe it more fully. Businesses may need 100 to 250 hours to set up a web hosting service that costs $29 to $300 per month. They may also need to set up an eCommerce software that costs $20 to $100 per month. They may also need to pay a setup fee of $5000, plus a monthly fee of $2000 to $500. Sadly that will change.

Web Design Company Selection Affects Website Costs

Obviously, eCommerce developers have a major impact on website prices. Some companies have their headquarters located in America, some abroad. Remember, the price will often exceed your budget. A higher-priced company often provides high-quality work. Traveling overseas often causes headaches and two hours of telephone calls. Make sure you select someone you trust. They should have a real office. If you want assistance with questions, ask during the development process. Please contact us at 1-877-646-7229. Request web site development estimates by phone.

Payment Gateway Integrations

The eCommerce platform will need to support a payment processing gateway. It needs this support if it accepts credit and debit cards. Many software platforms have several choices and other platforms may require integration. This service charges transaction costs.

Self-hosted ecommerce website

Some online stores such as Magento or WooCommerce are free. You must also be registered with an ecommerce hosting provider. This is for managing files and buying domains. Some web hosts, like Bluehost, offer free domain registration services. They also offer SSL certificates for $2.75 per month. As your business grows, your website hosting plans may be upgraded for more traffic to grow. In a highly regulated market a self-hosted site costs around $1000 to $2000 a month. Costs estimate: Resources.

CRM and ERP Integrations

Integrating your website with a CRM or ERP system can simplify your business's operation. Integrations generally require specialized development experience and thus increase the price.

Use a repricing tool to get more sales on Amazon

In closing deals and selling the product, price are key factors. If a customer wants to buy products from Amazon you want the best prices for them and you want the least profit. This will help with re-writing the software. Repricing Software automates the price process by automatically changing prices and reducing costs. Software re-pricing offers many options to set the right price level. It increases sales without compromising profits.

Leverage Amazon seller tools

Amazon sellers have great advantages because they can go out alone. There are a number of ways to increase your sales on Amazon. Many products and services are now on the market. They improve listings, price feedback, shipping, support, and even tax efficiency. There are several sales tools that can be used for your business.

Focus on products that already sell

Many entrepreneurs have tried to generate more revenues. However, they have to make the effort to keep doing the things they do to earn the most money. In addition, by using Amazon products, you ensure reliable sales revenue. This also provides the flexibility to take risks in developing new products. Review your quarterly reports to see what products perform better. Consider using branded images for marketing, and optimizing them for potential sales. Understanding the cost of building an eCommerce website is essential for budgeting. Discover the role of eCommerce consultancy in the UK to maximize your investment.

Expand into new Amazon marketplaces

Amazon currently runs more than 20 online retailers worldwide. These include the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, and more. You could grow your brand through this platform. This involves conducting a market research study. The study aims to see which product has the best reputation. It also involves improving your shipping operations for the possibility of shipping internationally. However, expanding into new markets requires considering language and specialized listings. They should display each marketplace's native language properly. They should also display the search engine's SEO keywords properly.

Key Components of Ecommerce Site Costs

Your ecommerce project starts with choosing a domain name. Then, find a reliable web hosting provider. Costs for domain registration and hosting solutions vary. Dedicated hosting servers typically cost more than shared hosting. Ecommerce website design includes basic ecommerce website layouts and bespoke designs. Investing in professional web design services ensures your site is visually appealing. It also ensures it is functional. Choosing the right ecommerce platform impacts your website costs. Whether it’s a SaaS ecommerce platform or a self-hosted ecommerce website. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento offer different features at various pricing levels. Security measures, including an SSL certificate, might be a starting point. A free SSL certificate is one option. However, ecommerce sites often require more robust security solutions. These ensure safe payment processing and protect customer data.

Development Costs for an Ecommerce Store

Custom Development vs. Using Templates: Custom website design offers uniqueness. However, it can escalate the ecommerce website project cost. Templates are a budget-friendly option but might limit custom features. Your ecommerce site must be optimized for mobile devices to include ecommerce functionality. It's non-negotiable. This might increase the development cost. However, it is essential for a successful online business. Adding payment gateways and APIs can make your ecommerce platform more complex. It can also make it more expensive. Payment processing fees are one reason why. You also need to generate Shopify API keys or integrate third-party payment gateways.

SEO and Content for Ecommerce Sites

Investing in quality content and search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. It boosts your ecommerce store's visibility. The role of quality content and SEO features is to increase visibility. The cost of an ecommerce website's SEO can vary based on the level of expertise required.

Marketing Strategies for Online Ecommerce

Digital and social media marketing are crucial. They drive traffic to your new ecommerce website. Budget for these strategies, including email marketing. It's important for success in ecommerce. Email marketing remains a powerful tool for ecommerce sites. Costs depend on the scale and tools used.

Maintenance and Ongoing Costs

Ecommerce hosting and regular website maintenance are ongoing costs. They are essential for the smooth operation of your ecommerce store. The total cost of maintaining an ecommerce website is affected by technical support. It is also affected by custom features. Having access to technical expertise for custom apps or to address issues is a factor.

Building a Successful Ecommerce Business

The total cost of ecommerce website development in 2024 involves various factors. These include web development agency fees and payment processing costs. These need to be carefully considered for a successful ecommerce project. Strategies for a successful online business go beyond the initial cost. You have to develop an ecommerce website. Building a successful online business involves more than just that. It's about understanding the ongoing costs and dynamic market trends.


In 2024, building and maintaining an ecommerce website costs involve numerous factors. These include hosting costs, domain registration, ecommerce software nuances, and payment processing costs. Anyone venturing into ecommerce must clearly understand these costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does an average ecommerce website cost to develop in 2024?

The development cost of an ecommerce website in 2024 can vary significantly. Expenses for small e-commerce stores or a basic ecommerce website may start from a few hundred dollars. This primarily covers domain registration and basic web hosting. It also includes a simple template on ecommerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. A more advanced or custom ecommerce site can cost several thousand dollars. This is especially true if it requires a web development agency for a custom design. It is also true if it requires a professional web designer. This includes ecommerce functionality and bespoke design. It also includes payment processing features. Perhaps it even includes dedicated hosting servers. The total cost also encompasses ecommerce software, SSL certificate, and payment gateway integration.

2. What are the ongoing costs associated with running an ecommerce store?

An ecommerce business has ongoing costs. They include web hosting fees, SSL certificate renewals, and domain registration. They also include subscription fees for SaaS ecommerce platforms. Self-hosted ecommerce websites may have extra costs for server maintenance and technical support. Ongoing expenses include payment processing fees from payment gateways. They also cover digital marketing, such as social media and email marketing. They include search engine optimization (SEO) to stay visible in search engines. Some sites need custom apps or advanced features. For these, there may be extra costs for custom development and technical expertise.

3. Is it more cost-effective to use a SaaS ecommerce platform or a self-hosted solution?

The choice between a SaaS ecommerce platform and a self-hosted solution depends on the specific needs and capabilities of the ecommerce business. SaaS platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce provide an all-in-one solution. They include hosting, ecommerce functionality, and technical support. This can be cost-effective for small to medium-sized businesses. However, they may include payment processing costs and limitations on customization. Self-hosted platforms like Magento offer more control and customization options. They can be more economical for larger businesses. These businesses have the technical expertise to manage their own hosting solutions. They also have the expertise to manage their own ecommerce software. However, self-hosted solutions may incur higher upfront development costs and require ongoing maintenance.

4. What are the key factors that influence the cost of an ecommerce website?

Several factors influence the cost of building and maintaining an ecommerce website. Key considerations include the choice of ecommerce platform (SaaS vs. self-hosted). Consider the complexity of the ecommerce web design (template-based vs. custom design). Also, consider the extent of custom features required. Consider the technical expertise needed for custom development. The costs for integrating payment gateways play a significant role. Search engine optimization (SEO) also plays a significant role. Security measures, like SSL certificates, do too. Additionally, digital marketing strategies contribute to ongoing costs. These include social media marketing and email marketing. Consider these factors if you want to build a new ecommerce website or upgrade an existing one. They help determine the total investment required.

5. How important is SEO in the development and maintenance of an ecommerce site?

SEO is extremely important for the success of an ecommerce website. It involves optimizing the site for search engines. This improves visibility and drives organic traffic. This includes integrating SEO features. It also ensures the site is optimized for search engines. It also involves maintaining up-to-date SEO practices to cater to search engine algorithms. SEO helps online ecommerce businesses rank higher in search results. This is crucial for attracting potential customers. The cost of implementing and maintaining SEO is a vital part of the ecommerce website project. It should be considered. It should also be factored in as an ongoing cost. It significantly influences the success and reach of the online store in a competitive digital marketplace.

Written by Jose

Jose is a Project Leader at WEDOWEBAPPS. He has knowledge about both project management and time management. His expertise includes analyzing the technical needs of the clients, proposing effective solutions and delivering large-scale projects on time.